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Turkish Spider-Man (Aka 3 Mighty Men, 3 Dev Adam) avi
Video > Movies
586.69 MB

+1 / -0 (+1)

Jan 28, 2005

Man behöver egentligen inte säga mer. :D

Undertexter är inte inkluderade, det är alltså otextat med turkiskt tal.


va fan e den på Turkiska.... hahahahahahaha
För ett par år sedan så såg jag länken: på buzzbazooka och jag har velat se filmen ända sedan dess!
Spindelmannens "goons" som går omkring och "bitchslappar" folk!!!! Spindelmannen själv viftar med stilettknivar !
Och Marvel väljer att stämma City of Heroes men inte denna filmen??? Vad säger Stan Lee?
Vd blir nästa grej? En feminin Dardevil och en latinobrud som sue rickards i fantastiska fyran, vänta nu.. eh.
Ben Affleck och Jessicka Alba, jag hatar er!
(och be mig inte börja att spy galla över "Catwoman" ,för jag kommer aldrig att sluta... Michelle kom tillbaka, du är den enda catwoman för mig.)
this sounds sooo laaaaameee :D
but I have to see it!!!
Nu fattar jag varför Turkiet inte kan komma in i EU.
Hehe tnx :)
Det finns en med Starwars (de slåss med metallsvärd ) och en med Exorcisten (arkelogen går förbi en utgrävning tittar ner i sanden och lyfter upp århundrandets fynd utan att skita ner naglarna :)).
Tror det är samma produktionsbolag för budgeten ser ut att vara 100 spänn i rekvisita ;)
I svar till tvrips - Det finns för övrigt Star Trek i samma stil också. ;)
please more turkish films please many thanx my boss is from istanbul
hey man real bad copy can u try put a better 1 up please
greenthumbz: there are no better copies in the world =) i thought all turkish movies looked like this.
greenthumbz: If you don't like the quality, throw the file away. But don't go asking for better stuff as I've busted my ass off for two weeks trying to spread this file to the masses so it'll be easier to get in the future for those that don't know where to look besides lame torrent trackers and DC++ and other p2p applications.
It took me one week alone to download this file, so don't come asking me for "better" quality.
kan någonnnnnnnnnn sedda min har stannat på 96,8%.................................................

plz ;:);;;;)))))))
kan inte någggggggooooooonnnn lägga upp flera turkiska filmer ???? :;)))))))
äre nån som har spiderman 3 som kan tanka upp den till piratebay lr vet vart man kan få tag på filmen ( a )
salam lalekom gardash gotna ojaram
snälla kan ingen seeda jag har turkish star wars och det är bland det sjukaste jag sett. konstigt att dom inte blivit stämda, dom har ju snott mycket i bakgrunden rätt av
Thanks for seeding this! (^_^)
Can someone seed?

Hey Chokehold

Where the hell did u find this man :)

Even though I didn't like the movie myself
I'll watch in full and will also seed for as long as I can for the community.
I really appreciate what u did.
Love to see more Turkish family movies in DiVX format.

Keep up the good work!!!!!
I'm seeding. I know this was released to DVD overseas by Onar Films but I am willing to bet that the copy looks just like this one. Found subs online. Just glad I can now watch a copy and actually follow the plot(!) Kudos to Chokehold for upping this. Anyone asking for a better quality copy has obviously not been following this one since it made its rounds as a VHS bootleg over a decade ago.
This is a family movie in Turkey? Spiderman portrayed as a sadistic killer and Captain America smoking cigarettes. This is movie is hysterical, watch it without subs and stoned. The best bits are where they break off into semi english dialogue.
This is a family movie in Turkey? Spiderman portrayed as a sadistic killer and Captain America smoking cigarettes. This is movie is hysterical, watch it without subs and stoned. The best bits are where they break off into semi english dialogue.

Chokehold upload a better quality file , this is shit I just wasted 586mb bandwitch because of you

It's a rip of a VHS tape of a movie made in 1973, what kind of quality do you expect? If you can't take a 600meg setback you probably shouldn't be downloading movies anyway.

BTW, nice name, fag. I didn't know you could rape your own hand. Choke on a dick and die, bitch.
this movie was also realeased on dvd with english subtitles so this bastard Chokehold should find dvd rip and upload it instead of this pathetic version
@ TenRapes
I literally registered to this site to leave a message for you. People like you piss me (and I'm sure others) off. You bitch and complain about how the uploader wasted your time and bandwidth with a "shitty quality" vid.

YOU wasted 586mb of bandwidth because YOU chose to download a Turkish movie from the 70's which was highly unlikely to be of great quality in the first place.

Chokehold didn't HAVE to upload anything and yet, he/she was courteous enough to do so.

Perhaps, before you decide to shit on someone else for their generosity, you should sit down and contemplate how NOT to be such a douchebag. Or maybe consider BUYING a copy of the movie since you know there's a DVD copy out there and do us all a favor by getting off this site.

Did I use too many big words?